Show your commitment to the saving the oceans.


Take the blue pledge

  • Pledge your plastic behaviour

    Its time to recycle what you can and use no single use plastics. The life span of single use plastic can be as short as 2 minutes, single use plastics are not only devastating to the environment but unnecessary with all the modern day alternatives.

  • Pledge to stop eating fish

    Stop eating fish and let the oceans recover from the last 100 years of commercial devastation

  • Join / Start a UOcean chapter®

    We ae an active group of caring, kind and compassionate individuals that come together to save our planet on a monthly basis by cleaning canals, river and beaches.

Image courtesy of the National Geographic

The Ocean Needs You.

The ocean need you to protect it, unfortunately they are defenceless against fishing nets, pollutions, sewage and so many other factors.

*Image is the property of the National Geographic.

Every little action helps.

By choosing not to buy items that come in plastic packaging, you are choosing to save the ocean and your every little action helps.

*Image is the property of the National Geographic.

Save our oceans today.